Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have succeeded in surprising myself...All I have left to do on Alex's bunny is to stuff it and sew up the stuffing hole.

Then mail it to her...which shouldn't be very much at all, seeing as it's gonna be REALLY light...even

Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm in the progress of making a stuffed bunny for Alex, my brother Andy's fiancee.

It's brown w/ pink-y purple-y accents for the nose and inside the ears...

I've got the head done, but I need to finish the body, stuff the tail, finish putting together the rest of the body, then stuff the whole thing...

I'll post pics when is SO cute!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My in-progress vintage apron...

This is what I got done over the last 2 days...

I haven't had a chance to work on it anymore today, though...but I will post more pics when finished.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just got dated!

I went to: and called the number on their website. They dated my machine to 1941-1953. So it's approx. 10 years older than I thought.

This morning, I adjusted it, and it sews BEAUTIFULLY!!!


I am using it to make an apron from one of the patterns that came in the sewing cabinet.

I'll post pics when finished!

My 1950s NewHome sewing machine & cabinet

This is my sewing machine that Grandpa Butch & Grandma Jaye gave to me. I got it on Sunday night, and after Tony & Robin brought it into the house for me, I dusted it and polished it w/ OrangeGlo/clean spray. Yesterday afternoon, I oiled the machine according to it's manual. It seems to run great!

I LOVE it!!

The pics uploaded backwards though, so they should be viewed from the bottom of this post to the top.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

1/2 finished...

The front of Meme's quilt now measures 4 1/2 feet by 8 feet. So half the length is done. I'm SO proud of this quilt, it's looking awesome!

I haven't been able to get anything else done on my matron-of-honor dress, cause I still need to find time for Tony to help me on it.

Since I don't have a livingroom floor to work on in the mornings(yet), I have started Alex's bunny. So far, it's turning out awesome. I just sewed on 2 red buttons for the eyes, and it looks SO cute.

As always, I'll post pics after I finish.

My sewing machine is on it's way right now....Grandma Jaye just posted on my Facebook wall & told me so.
So, YAY!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quilting like

I have decided to forgo the latticework patch in the center of my grandma(Meme)'s quilt. That patch is what's been holding me back from finishing this one. The quilt front will be 8 feet by 8 feet when finished.

I will put a pic or two of it later.

I'm hoping to be able to get my Newhome sewing machine & cabinet sometime over the next few days.

The foot pedal for my Necchi sewing machine I'm currently using sometimes makes sparking & sizzling noises. I don't like that, so hopefully I can get my Newhome so I don't have to worry about starting a fire w/ the sewing machine I currently have.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting work done...

I've actually been able to sew a decent amount over the last few days. I have finished the baby girl's star.
It didn't come out exactly as I'd hoped, but I think it still looks awesome!
I'll post up more pics as I get more done.

I've also been working on my matron-of-honor dress for Cara's wedding, and I've almost got the bodice done.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sew, what?!

I've been continuing piecing my daughter's quilt, and it's looking awesome so far. Nato helped me decide on the fabric for under the star. It's a yellow striped fabric that is neutral and he thinks will go well with the pink star. I'll post a pic after I get the pink star attached to it.

I'll be working on this quilt, my matron-of-honor dress, and Meme's quilt this week. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a decent chunk of each finished.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unorthodox pull...

Yesterday, I started cutting out the fabric diamonds required for the star quilt I'm making for my baby girl. After I got them all cut out, Nato helped me design the pattern below.

This morning, I'm feeling kinda nauseous cause I got woken up too early and had to be up and about before my stomach had a chance to settle.

However, I have set aside my quilt top that I had been working on(to be finished after we move, on the "new" old machine), and have started piecing the baby girl's quilt.

What do you think?