Thursday, May 17, 2012

Only been 2 weeks, and already getting stuff done!!

We moved into our new place on  Saturday, May 5th, 2012. For a few days after that, all we did was unpack and sort, and organize.

Then, my hubby had to go to work, so while our 2 kids played and napped, I made a list of all the craft projects I left inside (as opposed to moved into storage) and began working on them one @ a time until they were finished or I hit a snag somehow, and have to wait for a bit to finish...

Here's my updated list:

  1. Safari baby rag quilt--Needs batting
  2. Textile Eeyore Softie-(Cari?)--FINISHED
  3. Buttoned front, tied back quilt-(Topie)--Needs to be bound
  4. Girly Camo Bunnies w/ parasols quilt-(Jem)--Needs name letters
  5. Cousin's goddaughter's lightweight quilt-(Allyss)--FINISHED
  6. Doll quilt-(Allis)
  7. Re-size scrappy quilt-(Logan)
  8. Porky Pig backed boy quilt-(Xander)
  9. Flannel circles, denim squares quilt-(Dru)
  10. Denim Picnic quilt-(Us, for the kids on park days)
  11. Bruised Bento Box(Purple & Black)-(Doug)
  12. Rag Denim Wood Tones-(Tim & Tasha)
  13. Baby #3 quilt-(Baby is due beginning of August...won't know gender until baby is here...)






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