Now that the Christmas rush is over, and I can "relax"...well, as much as I ever get to relax.
Nato and I had an awesome time house-sitting for my mom and dad, and spending quality time with each other and Tobi.
I got a good portion of work done on my Seven Brides for Seven Brothers skirt. The skirt has 6 panels, and I'm using a brown sheet as the "backing".

When finished, I'm hoping for the skirt to be similar to the scrap skirt pictured above. I have the first panel almost completely finished, I will post pics in a future post.
I also intend to make a shirt similar to that one, without the shawl.
As for New Year's Resolutions:
1. Moving out of our current home, and into another in the same complex.
2. Constantly, working on 2 projects simultaneously, (one of which MUST to be a quilt).
3. Finishing at least 5 quilts this year. First to finish: Meme's, Cindy's daughter Maddy's, Henry's, my baby girl's, and Nato', that's 5 of 5 right there...haha
4. Finishing as many projects on my "Projects List" as possible.
I am also working on laundering and repairing 4 old quilts.
The first, being one my grandma made for my oldest brother a green "Pink Panther" quilt that is 27 years old(if I remember correctly...) Some of the stitching has come loose so I'm repairing it...mostly the sashing stitches.
The second is the quilt my grandma made for my mom and dad as their wedding quilt, it is white with a blue border, and a blue star. It and 2 others were stored outside in a plastic garbage bag, and apparently a few small holes got worn in the bottom of the bag, and the bottom two quilts got mildewed. The worst being this quilt. So, I'm in the process of washing them separately on the delicate cycle, with 1/4 cup bleach in with the loads.
The third quilt is one I can't recall where we got it from, but it's old. It is a patchwork quilt with squares approx. 10-12 inches. It has many different colors.
The forth and last of the repairees is one my grandma made and gave to my mom after she and my dad broke up. It is white with a flowery border, then a yellow border, and a yellow and green star. It doesn't even smell like mildew. That's a good thing, in any case, but even more so in this one, I think...there is a pretty big chunk missing out of the star, and it can't be washed until quite a bit of repairs are made.
Well, I think that's all for now.
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